

ボストンから6時間カリフォルニアに移動。スーパモデル フランキーの家でゆったりしていると、なんて言う事かしら、女優の様に撮ってと言ったのにまるでアザラシだわ。プールに飛び込んで無邪気に遊んでみたいと思ったけどとてもできやしない。 このままではいけないと翌日誘われてワークに参加。

ハリウッドの隠れ家のようなお部屋にシャワールームやメイクルーム、休憩室まで完備されたエクササイズルームがあってその奥に数十台の自転車、スピンというらしい。 ルームランナーかと思っていたけどまあ大して違いわないと思ったのが大きな誤算。前のお立ち台の上ににスピンが1台置物のように置かれていたけど、ロックが流れ始めると黒いレオタードを身につけた美しい女性が現れてさあ!みんなで丘を登りましょう!とそのスピンをこぎだした。


美しい人にはそれなりの努力が必要なんだ。1度に変身はできないのだと確信。 という事でプールサイドでこれまた紫外線を浴び続けた私は夜には秘密のローションで保湿、そのあとには12番をたっぷりしみ込ませてパック。朝食にはフルーツを取らなければと考えながらやはり日差しのきついところにはビタミンを補うフルーツがたくさんあるもの。朝は庭のオレンジを取ろう!

 It was 6 hours from Boston to California. While relaxing at super model, Franky's house, what can I say, captured like a seal although I said to take me look like an actress. I wish I could jump into the pool and play around like a child but no, no way. I felt I should do something and having asked to join, I attended Work the next day. Situated in Hollywood, in the room which is like a hidden house, there was a exercise room with shower room, make up room, resting room and number of bikes which is called Spin. I made huge mistake on judging the Spin which I thought it would be the same thing with Room Runner. There was one Spin at front and as Rock music started, beautiful lady with black leotard showed up and said ' Now, let's climb the hill' and then started the Spin. Hurried to catch up with the her movement but could not keep pedaling more than 1 minuet. No one told me before hand that you cannot stop it for 45 minuets. I might had half the sweat of my entire life. The lady at front with shinning brown pony tale was sweating from beautiful body in good posture which looks there was no unnecessary fat at all. Moving along with the loud Rock music with her eyes closed, she looked like a beautiful butterfly. You must work hard to be beautiful. I was convinced that no one can be changed at once. As you see, being exposed to ultraviolet light beside the pool, I used my secret moisturizing lotion at night. And then used a patch filled with #12. Thinking about getting some fruit the next morning and realizing that where the sun is strong, there are plenty of fruits that has vitamins. Let's get some orange from garden in the morning!!


Random photo of Boston

初めて見た iPad
First moment to see iPad

A beautiful SEVEN ELEVEN

Catch up with Nini and Benny’s family in the U.S
 this time who came from Germany


The house Seiya is living with his friends

Duck tour


Boston 美術館


I needed time and energy to see all as the museum is said that the all beautiful works of the world are stored here. What I wanted to see was a Japanese girl painted by Monet. It is a unique work among his landscape painting. I was stunned by the gorgeous kimono and fan full of Japanese atmosphere.

ボストンは小さな町といわれていますが空はくっきりと晴れ渡り、レンガ造りの家並みと並木 の緑の深さに歴史が偲ばれる、時代に磨かれた街ボストンはまるで日本の京都だといった人もいるそうです。

Although people say Boston is small city, sky was so clear and houses that was built of bricks and old trees around the street resemble it’s long history and some people say city of Boston is refined by it’s history like Kyoto.

宿泊したB&B (Bed & Breakfast)ではドイツから来ているという夫妻に知り合いました。隣がスイスなんだとか素敵。パーティでは2年前に訪れたドイツでクリスマスを過ごした人たちに再会。クリスマスは家族で過ごすものというが私と息子はその美しいクリスマスに招かれて最高のときを過ごすことができました。人生は素晴らしい!

 I met a German couple at B&B. What’s nice is Switzerland is their neighbor. At party I saw people who spent christmas together when I visited Germany 2 years ago. Although Christmas is a family time, both my son and me were invited to the beautiful Christmas and had a wonderful time. Life is beautiful !



春の若葉か夏の新緑か とても美しい街ボストン。レンガ造りの家並みがロマンチックで至る所にある公園では人々が穏やかに時を楽しんでいます。日本でもこういう場所があればいいのに。チャールズ通りでお気に入りのST JOHNをみつけお買い物、パブリックガーデンでアイスクリームを食べながら孤独を楽しみました。

Wonded if it’s spring or summer that make the green so beautiful, Boston was truly beautiful city.  What makes it romantic is the houses made by bricks and at each parks, which is everywhere in the city, people are enjoying themselves peacefully. I wished there are such places in Japan too. Finding my favorite shop, ST JOHN on Charles st, I enjoyed myself shopping and then later, eating ice cream in  the Public Garden.
Next day was graduation ceremony of Berklee College of Music. Professors were wearing garments like Hurry Potter and I felt stately peace as if I was bewitched. It is a wonderful experience to enjoy one’s college life in such a beautiful and historical city and graduate the College where so many great musician have studied. It will surely be a lot to his life in the future to come. They were fine and beautiful young youths, full of confidence in their eyes. I am happy to be proud of him too.