

東アメリカで一番大きいと言われている アップルストア で iPAD を使い2時間もティンカーベルのゲームに夢中になった。面白かった。ベベルもアンクル聖也の iPAD でこっそり遊んでいる,2歳半のシギー君も iPAD で5歳以上からのゲームに夢中。

I was amused by Tinker Bell appreciation on iPAD for 2 hours at the biggest Apple store in east coast. It was fun. Bebel plays secretly with her uncle Seiya’s iPAD too. Two and half years old Sigi is also addicted to games for age, 5+ on iPAD.
In the U.S.A, apple computers are lined up on a desk of 4th grade of primary school, which makes me wonder what the future will be like for those children. When I was young, my father who was said he was ahead of others in a small town bought me a red Valentine typewriter for my birthday which I wanted to keep in good condition. I wonder how much children nowadays would be surprised by it. I think they would have better understanding of current evolution. Before everything, why did I lose what my father bought for me....memory remain the same.

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